Sunday, October 16, 2011

some lousy low life fucken prick stole my car today while I was at work
I am so fucken angry I could spit
First thing I wanted to do was eat second thing was kill
of course all of my linen was also in the car so that is my business fucked too
yeah and all of this fun for a lousey bloody 13 dollars an hour and sore feet and back the joy of it all
yes I am insured but that isnt going to get back all my linen etc before my next party on tuesday it isnt going to give me a car tomorrow to get the washing to the laundrette to get it dried and it isnt going to get me to spend the day I was so looking forward to out with Brooke and the Chloes on Monday not to mention all the other things that I have to do or the fact I am so pissed off my blood pressure is sky high


Tracy said...

Bastards. Hopefully they only nicked it to get home & it turns up.

Chris H said...

mate you have such bad luck... my heart goes out to you. {{{HUGS}}}

Anne said...

As Tracy said - bastards! Hope it turns up.

Chris H said...

How ya doing???

Jaxx said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Felicity and hope 2012 is good to you :)

Tracy said...

I hope you are ok after yesterdays quakes and dudn't suffer more damage. I hope you have a nice shake free Christmas.

Paula said...

Hiya. Just doing a major catch up of blogs and noticed you'd done some updates. I know its ages ago now, but I hope you got your car and linen back. Must catch up for another coffee soon. I'm on holidays until 16th Jan - so let me know if/when you're free. A belated Merry Christmas!

Chris H said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR chick, may this new year bring you happiness and health.