Sunday, September 12, 2010

lazy sunday afternoon

hey all just thought I'd pop in and say howdy.
i havent done much today pottered really listed afew things on trade me added more to my watch list done some house work had a nice wee visit from Miss Brooke earlier that was nice to hear her giggle. They have had to move out of there shack because of damage caused by the earthquake so Miss Brooke is feeling fragile and disoriented.

My man is out mowing the lawn it is threatening rain so home he gets it finished before the weather breaks. nice to see the freshly mowed lawns. he goes tomorrow for final interveiw for a new job he is so over working with people he is a bus driver and all this hassles with the earth quake has beeen the last straw for him...sum just cant understnad the city centre is closed no they cant be taken thru to see the damaged caused-not even just this once. Some folks are thick.

i have a stupid chest infection that has been giving me hell again since thursday hope the antibiotic and prendizone kick in soon so over being sick this has been my wrst year ever for chest infections and broncitis.

I go to see the surgeon on tuesday for my 3mth check up i am happy with how things are progressing for the most part so hope he is. Disapointed that I am on steriods again that will hinder my weight loss but had to be done.

off to make my man a coffee think he deserves it after doing such a spendid job of the lawns heheh

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi there, hope the final interview went well for your man.

I'm still amazed at the damage the earthquake (and after shocks) did down there, it must have been horrible.

Your weightloss so far is incredible, how could your surgeon not be happy.