Saturday, September 4, 2010

shake rattle and roll

woke at 4.3oish this morning to the worst earth quake I have ever felt and lots of after shocks still worse than some felt too not the plans I had for today I can tell you. A lot of damage around but personally all I have damage wise is my meat platter has a chip from a bottle falling out of cupboard VEERY luck. need sleep though so might go for a nana nap think it is acceptable when thrown out of bed at that hour.
had lots of calls and txt from family and friends to see if we ok Thanks Janine neat to hear from u.


Tracy said...

I am so glad you are OK. It must have been terrifying (my poor Mum thought it was the end of the world).

Chris H said...

I thought of you straight away, but I DONT HAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER do I???? Pffffft.
So glad you are ok mate.

Paula said...

Glad to hear you had minimal damage Felicity.