Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Think it is Wednesday

Still rocking and rolling here in Chch
dont know where we are in the week casue all my usual events and meeting a re postponed and I dnt know what day it is.
Broken sleeps are taking there toll
Went for a drive to Riccarton and Merivale yesterday it is really bad around there LOTS of business will not reopen. Alan got caught on lytleton side of port this mornign cause we had anoter big shake and it was centred near lyttleton so they had to close the tunnel for a couple hours till it was checked for any damage
I made a batch of scones this morning bread is very scarse so made scones trouble is I have eaten 3 comfort food or tired and lacking will power
going for a nana nap NOW


Paula said...

I must admit I'm feeling very disorientated this week - everything is out of routine. My brother arrived unexpectedly from Auckland on Tuesday for 3 nights (apparently he booked the tickets pre-earthquake). I've been working from home as much as I can - which has kept me busy-ish. Today is was back into the city for "real work" - but alas - our building has now lost its pretty green notice, and has a yellow one - because of falling bricks from the neighbouring building. Only stayed at work for 2 hours, then left with a bagful of work stuff which will hopefully help me keep things running from home in the meantime. I wonder how long it will take until things return to normal!

I noticed that bread is in very short supply - two days this week I've been in supermarkets with no bread - and I notice their flour supplies have also been non-existent. Thank goodness for my breadmaker - and that I bought a full bag of breadmix a week or two back.

Chris H said...

Having no bread would certainly be a problem for this family! I hope those scones were lovely... gawd I havn't had a scone in ages!