Wednesday, June 9, 2010

check out the neat new releases this month-love them all.

Well this afternoon has been another rollercoaster of a ride. I am just back from the doctors(my gp this time) Had another fainting session just b4 Alan went back to wrk after lunch so promised him I would make an appointment...we decided that maybe I can cut some of me meds down-so cut out my fluid retention pill altogether,after all I have ankles again and cut my bl/pressure pill in half. While they were taking my standing bl/pr I was near to passing out-felt bloody queer. my bl/pr was 128/78 which is pretty darn good for someone who had a bl/pr 195/98.
Also got a high five from doc as to the latest weight loss.
Need to be more vidulant with my food timetable I am not eating when and what I am suppose to be. I am drinking plenty of fluid but a glass of cold water hasn't got the punch SO FOLLOW THE PROGRAM.
A warning to me and too those yet to have there surgery.

1 comment:

Anne said...

You BP is good now! (Mine at it's highest had the second figure at 110!). Well done on the weight loss. Are we going to see some photos???