god I'm all tied in knots now and really stressing-still havnt heard a peep for him I did the big I am thing this morning got up packed all his stuff wasnt much only took just over 20 minutes dropped it at his daughters as I sadi I would the grand gesture but I am truely really worried now so much so i rung the cops he will kill me when he finds out. He hasnt to there knowledge been in an accident she took lots of details and if he hasnt arrived at wrk tomorrow we will list him as missing god what have i done now he will kill me
Had a lovely day between stressing...cleaned the pantry like ya do when worrying
striped the bed wahsed all the linen etc vacummed thru tried keeping busy talked on phone for couple hours to a friend and my mum trying to keep busy
then I took Brooke to the beach for a couple hours took my moind off things for a while had a nice time even walked on the peir I have never mustered up enough courage to EVER do that
right I am exhausted and need to at least try and get some sleep if no other reason i have wrk tomorrow and if he does turn up I dnt want to be so tired i cant keep focused...oh boy is my councillor gonna earn her money tomroow
1 comment:
His behaviour towards you is inconsiderate and disrespectful. I know it must have been hard to pack him up & move him out but I am sorry but not even a courtesy call to let you know where he is and what he is doing. You were living together, he was not just a flatmate (I would expect more even out of a flatmate).
You must have been worries sick and I think calling the Police is the right thing to do, if you have not heard, his daughter has not heard and he sis not turn up for work with no explanation - what are people supposed to think.
You deserve better & do not let him tell you any different. If he gets angry at you for reporting him to the Police point out he is lucky to have someone who gave enough of a damn about him to do so.
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