hope once house has gone thru and all that is behind me I light be able to sleep better...things are looking up though it is payday today and I still had about $8 in my purse from last week been so long since that has been the case I can tell you. Confirmation date tomorrow it is sounding like it is a forgone conclusion but I am still expecting something to go wrong.
Going to be a busy day so hope that will help keep my mind off it all, meeting my cousin for lunch at 12. She will be in Chch for an appointment she lives in Blenheim so will be good to catch up. Then I pick up Brooke at 4.30 we have her for the weekend, dnt usually get her till Sat but I asked if we could have her earlier because Sarah is suppose to be here Friday night and will be nice for them to spend some more time togehter. Sarah, my grand daughter and her family head back to Sydney on Saturday been here 2 weeks but I seen so little of them...again my grand daughter hasnt a clue who I am. Very sad in Twizel on Sunday when she said to her Mum tell that lady to go away that lady wat a kick in the teeth that was. Then yesterday I was talking to a friend, her grandson is same age as Sarah, and they see a huge amount of there grand children and she was telling me how she surprised them with a visit on Sunday and the responce she got from her grandson...I cried. oh well that is how it will be...I am going to suggest to Anthony that we have a little more contact...after all he can find time to ring his half sister on Christmas day but not his mother.
Working this afternoon with a linen party hope it a little better than yesterday no one turned up I truely think the host didnt invite anyone but ya get that sometimes.
I am off to Melbourne on 4th Feb for a 4 day conference with my linen. Now I will have some money it will be so much more enjoyable...not that I will be able to go crazy buying stuff but at least I will be able to eat the 2 days the confernence doesnt provide food and I might even be able to buy a bottle of wine this year instead of sitting there like a stuffed mallet while everyone else was enjoying the bubbles like last year cause I was out of money. Mind you it didnt help that I left my credit card at home that I had loaded with a 1000 dollars.
I do want to buy a pr of white pants and red top from mysize shop
although looking online to get this pic cant see it on there web site so I will be narked if cant get it. I want to wear to the bbq on the sunday of the conference.
Right there is the washing machine finished and it is now light enough to hang out so will get to that and start the day.
Talk later
I will have all fingers and toes crossed that the house sale goes thru smoothly and without a hitch :) and YAY for Melbourne :)
I know the sale has gone through.. so you can buy those pants! Have a look at TS14+ too, they have an online shop and their stuff in just FANTASTIC!
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